Amanda Marquis Photography - Luxury Boudoir Photographer

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Jessica’s Story

Have you ever met one of those people who completely changes your perspective? That’s how I felt when I recently did a boudoir session with my client, Jessica Colburn. While getting her hair and makeup done for the shoot, Jessica shared her story of being a Neuroendocrine cancer fighter and I just knew I had to share it (and her amazingly gorgeous photos) with all of you. Coincidentally, November 10th is World Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness Day and Jessica jumped at the opportunity to educate all of us through her experience.

Jessica was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine cancer, an extremely rare and often misdiagnosed form of the disease, about 5 years ago in her early 30s. She had been experiencing some tummy troubles and was subsequently treated for a variety of issues including acid reflux. But Jessica knew it was more than just acid reflux. Finally, her doctors performed a colonoscopy and that’s when they found the cancer. Jessica told me how it’s her goal to make sure women are advocating for themselves when they’re not feeling well. “Trust what your body’s telling you,” she said. “I just knew something wasn’t right. We know our own bodies and you just have to trust what your body’s telling you.”

Although her cancer is incurable, you would never know it with Jessica’s positive attitude. She’s endured 3 surgeries, 4 rounds of radiation, and monthly shots, but she doesn’t let it get her down. She admitted that the first couple years after her diagnosis were difficult, but that “there was a turning point midway through where I was like, ‘You know what? I’m not going to be a victim to this. I’m not going to let it take my heart and my spirit. I’m going to use this really crappy situation to help other people who are struggling. Because I know that I’m bigger than this disease.’”

And helping others is exactly what she does. This wife, mom, and high school special education teacher has continued to work throughout her battle with the disease. “I’m going to love these kids as if I wasn’t sick” she says of her students. Jessica has also worked with Recycled Percussion’s “Chaos and Kindness” to inspire others to be the best version of themselves and to stay positive even when life throws you a curveball. Check out their feature on Jessica here.

Jessica told me that she views her boudoir session as just another way to help people by empowering women. She had considered booking a session for some time, and finally everything aligned for us to get her in the studio last month. Her advice to anyone thinking of doing a boudoir shoot is to “put your fears away and just do it because the outcome exceeds the fear that you might have. It is so worth it.” I would have never known she was nervous, because Jessica was a natural throughout our time together and allowed me to highlight her beautiful scars during our session. She told me that “I’ve been through some really crappy stuff and I can still be a light and be beautiful.” And she’s right! I mean, just look at her stunningly gorgeous images featured here.

As she looks toward the future, Jessica wants women that are struggling to know that they’re not alone. She advises that whatever your difficulties may be, to seek out a support system and accept the help that people genuinely want to give. “I’ve been loved through it and I want to love other people through it.”

If you’re ready to celebrate your journey with a boudoir shoot, send me an email.