Amanda Marquis Photography - Luxury Boudoir Photographer

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At Which Point In Your Life Journey Should You Do a Boudoir Shoot? NOW.

One of the best parts of my job is how intimate I get to be with my clients. It takes a lot of guts to participate in a boudoir shoot, so I try really really hard to be open and welcoming throughout the entire process. We may be strangers when I first meet my clients, but after experiencing a boudoir session, I can honestly say we part ways as friends. We spend most of the session chatting and I get to learn a lot about each person’s journey that has led them to my studio.

Let me tell you, I’ve heard some incredible stories. From the inspiring to the heartbreaking, each client has traveled a unique road that is celebrated in their photos. What I’ve learned from my clients is that there’s no one perfect time to capture your beauty and strength in a boudoir shoot - any time is the right time. No matter where you are in your life, what you have overcome, or what challenges you still face, RIGHT NOW is the time to do your shoot.

Why is a boudoir shoot the perfect way to capture this moment in your life journey? Simply put, it will change your life. Posing in front of a camera in lingerie knowing that these images are eternal forces you to be your most vulnerable, raw, and beautiful self. So many women walk into my studio feeling self-conscious. A CEO who thinks she shouldn’t be here. A mother who is afraid to reveal her C-section scars. A woman who wants to celebrate her retirement but thinks she’s too old. A domestic abuse survivor who no longer believes she is worthy. 

I’ve met and worked with women at all stages of life and the outcome is the same every time. The boudoir experience transforms them by allowing them to forget about the burdens they bear and celebrate the milestones they have achieved. The professional hair and makeup and wardrobe consultation certainly help clients to look and feel their best. But the real magic happens when they see themselves as I see them - bold, beautiful, powerful, and unique.

So when is the right point in your life journey to book a boudoir shoot?

When you’ve overcome your greatest challenge. 

When you’ve been broken down to your lowest point.

When you’ve lost or gained weight.

When you’ve given birth.

When you’ve suffered an injury.

When you get married or divorced.

When you earn a promotion.

When you just want to capture this moment in time. 

THAT is the right point.

Let’s celebrate the mile you’re in on this journey called life. Reach out today for more information on how you can schedule a luxury boudoir experience.